Projects: Week 3

Startup, Whiteboard, Room, Indoors, Adult, OfficeProjects: Brainstorming Topic for Game

For this week’s project assignment, you will be brainstorming some possible Game Ideas.  I hope you will use this assignment to think about what kinds of games you most want to study in this class.

So, by the end of this assignment, you will end up with at least FOUR possible Game Ideas that you will write about in a blog post These should be the beginnings of original games. I’ll read your post and send you some comments via email about those topics. Then, for Week 4, you will pick your favorite of those possible topics and do some in-depth research to learn more and decide if you would like to work on this topic for the rest of the semester. To see how that all fits together, you might want to take a look again at the Project Guide.

Time. You should budget approximately one hour for this assignment, which is about how long the project assignment will take for the first few weeks. For each game you are considering, you need to do 10-15 minutes of reading and research, writing up your thoughts and notes in a paragraph. You will end up with a blog post.

writing icon indicates to write blog BLOG

Finishing the assignment. When you are done, you will have FOUR possible games, and you need to write a paragraph for each one (at least 300wrds) in your blog post. Explain why you are interested in this game, what previous knowledge you have, what you would like to learn, what kinds of game you would like to create, and how you might want to tackle them. For each topic, including a link to at least one online source that you think looks promising in describing or creating your game.
Image. Please include at least one image (with image information) that relates to one of the game ideas.
Additional details. For the post title, include the phrase “Game Brainstorm” somewhere in the blog post title, and use “Project, Week 3” for the labels (always remember to put a comma between the separate labels). As always, spellcheck and proofread your work.

Send me an Email Icon SEND ME AN EMAIL

This is the only assignment each week that you will turn in by email, and then I will be sending you a reply with my feedback and comments. So, after you publish your blog post please copy-and-paste the information in the box below(declaration) into an email that you send me, and use this subject line in the email: Game Idea. (You don’t need to send me what you wrote in your blog post; I will get that directly from your post.)

Paste this into the email you send me: 
I have written a blog post with FOUR possible game ideas.
LINKS: I have included at least one resource link for each game.
POST TITLE: The phrase “Game Brainstorm” appears in the post title,
POST LABELS: I used two labels — Project, Week 3 — separated by a comma.
PROOFREADING: I used a spellchecker, and I proofread my post.
IMAGE. I included at least one image with image information (caption and link).
declaration image DECLARATION

Then, you can do the Declaration in Moodle; the Declaration there just says “I have sent in the email.” Each week for the project it will work just like this: you will send me an email that lets me know you are done with the assignment, and then after you send me the email, you will do the Declaration.
