Technology Tools and Course Websites

This assignment is a lot like the assignment you just did… only this time, I’ll be talking about technology tools and websites. Just like with the assignments, there are some core tools and sites that you will be using, and then there are also extra tools that you can explore. Depending on your choices, you might be using a lot of different tools in this class, and I hope what you learn about these tools can be useful to you beyond this class. So, for this assignment, I will quickly introduce you to some of the main tools and sites you will be using plus the extra you might want to explore, and then I’d like you to write a blog post with your thoughts: what tools are new to you, which tools are of greatest interest, etc.
Tools for the futureSome students in the past have asked why I don’t put everything in Moodle, and one reason is that you will (probably) never use Moodles again after you graduate. If you can use this class to learn about other kinds of tools for writing, reading, researching, and connecting online, then you can develop skills and expertise that you can use in the future. I hope you can practice some new computer skills in this class and be ready for whatever the future holds. No matter what kind of job you get, it is almost certain that you will be using the Internet for your work!


These are all free tools that are easy to use; I hope you will enjoy learning more about them as the semester goes along.
writing icon indicates to write blogBlogging.
Everybody in class has a blog; By visiting other people’s blogs, you will get to learn about how different blogging platforms work, and you will get to see the different options that people are choosing as they configure their blogs.
It’s really important to keep track of websites and web pages for this class, so I would encourage you to create a bookmarks folder in your browser or start using a bookmarking tool like Diigo). You can also use Pinterest as a bookmarking tool for this class; since much of your research will involve looking for images to use in your blog posts, Pinterest is actually a great bookmarking option to explore.
Image Editing. 
It will be helpful to learn how to use a basic image editor for cropping and resizing images, either a simple desktop program on your computer (like Mac Preview or the Chromebook image editor, etc.), or one of the many free web-based alternatives.
Graphics Creation. 
You’ll also have a chance to learn how to create your own graphics using simple web-based programs like Canvas, Cheezburger, Automotivator, etc.


One of the ways you will learn about what you can do with those different tools is by seeing how I use those tools myself to create different course websites:
Announcements. There are new announcements every week at the Class Announcements blog, which is also embedded in Moodle as the course homepage there. You’ll also see the class Twitter feed (ADD FEED) embedded there in the sidebar of the blog.
Class Website. You are at the Class Website right now; it is made with WordPress, which is a great Content Management System(CMS) which you will learn more about in 3rd year. There is where you will find the instructions for most of the assignments, and I would urge you to bookmark the Class Calendar page now. That is a great entry point for any work you are doing for the class.
Google Docs. You might also see some Google Docs as you work on those extra credit options; I am a huge fan of Google Docs for my own work, so I wanted to make sure you had a chance to see how Google Docs can be shared online.

Finishing Up: Blog Post

The technology landscape will all make more sense next week as you get into a more regular work routine; for this week, please write up a quick blog post about your first impressions here. Are you already familiar with some of these technology tools? How is this online environment like/unlike what you have experienced in other classes? Are there any technical skills that you really want to work on this semester?
Write up a blog post with whatever thoughts come to mind as you think about the class tools, and include an image of some kind (with image information), and use the word “Technology” somewhere in the title. For the label, use “Week 2” as usual.
Also, you’ll be learning more about these tools and sites over the next couple of weeks, but if you have any questions right now that you’d like me to answer, definitely let me know: Shaun.ferns at tudublin DOT ie
When you are done with your blog post, you can complete the Declaration… and then move on to the last assignment for Orientation week: time management tips.

I have published a blog post in which I share my thoughts about technology tools for this class.
PROOFREADING. I have spellchecked and proofread the post.
IMAGE. My post contains at least one image with Image Information.
TITLE: I have included the word “Technology” in the title of the post.
LABEL: I have used “Week 2” as the label for the post.