Tutorial 01

Image result for unity beginner tutorial
Image: unity beginner tutorial

This week we will begin our Unity tutorials! Your first step is installing Unity, selecting the correct version of Unity is the first decision. If using your own PC/MAC I would recommend using the version Unity 2018.4 as it matches the video tutorials. If you intend to use the Macs in the University this semester I would recommend beginning these tutorials using 2019.4 as a similar version will be available on site.  Whichever you choose I would recommend sticking with it for the duration of the semester. The following is the link to the Getting started tutorial which will guide you through the installation process!Getting Started

The last thing to think about is backups as you complete each unit save your unity package, make a copy, and work from that. This ensures if you lose your work or it becomes corrupted you only need to complete the Unit your working on! Later in the semester, I will introduce you to version control and how you might use GitHub to back up your work.

Part A: Complete the tutorials

As you complete these lessons please save a copy this will allow me to view each lesson independently as well as protect against crashes in the software. So, for example, name your 1st unity project lesson1.1, when starting lesson 2 save as lesson1.2 and so on.

Unity Create with Code
(approx time 200 mins)
Unit 1 – Player Movement (Driving Simulator Prototype)

Lesson 1.1 Start your 3D Engines (80 mins)
Lesson 1.2 Pedal to the Metal (70 mins
Lesson 1.3 High-Speed Chase (50 mins)

   Part B: Complete your post

For example describing what you have learned, what you have  enjoyed/found difficult, what you’re looking forward too
Finishing the post. 
When there are specific things you need to do in a post, you will find that in the Gradebook Declaration below. For this assignment, that means:

      • LENGTH. Your post should be at least 200 words long. You might want to install a word-count tool in your browser (for Chrome, Chrome Word Count is good!)
      • PROOFREADING. As always, you should use the spellcheck feature, and proofread by reading out loud (it takes about 2 minutes to read 300 words out loud).
      • TITLE: I have included the words “Unity Tutorial 01” in the title of the post. Having that phrase in your post title really helps me out because it allows me to put everybody’s assignments into the same blog post stream.
      • LABEL: Use “Week 03” as the label for the post. Having that label will help people navigate your blog later on as you add more posts week by week by week.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: I have published a blog post in which I discuss the Unity Tutorials.
LENGTH. My post is a minimum of 200 words long.
PROOFREADING. I have spellchecked and proofread the post.
IMAGE. My post contains at least one image with image information.
TITLE: I have included the words “Unity Tutorial 01” in the title of the post.
LABEL: I have used “Week 03” as the label for the post.