Designing the Course

Its your Choice!

For this first task of the semester, you will learn about the many CHOICES you will be making. All that may seem a bit strange at first, but as you work through the Orientation Tasks, it will all fall into place, I promise, and you can contact me any time if you have questions: shaun.ferns at tudublin dot ie

Task Instructions

Due Date

Estimated Duration

  • Read the information on this page
  • Complete the Google Form

    Key Points

Core Assignments. This week is an Orientation Week,  and then you will have the same basic schedule for Weeks 3-12, with 3 COMMIT, CONNECT, CREATE CHALLENGE(4C) MISSIONS to completed over the semester by choosing from one of several missions and work with an ad hoc cohort of your peers to explore a topic or meet a challenge. You will then present your findings at the conclusion of each of the three three-week cycles of mission work. in conjunction, you will be reflecting on your work in a reflective blog that you will create.

Time Required. Those core assignments will take about 12-16 hours each week to complete (this includes class time).  The workload is very steady: no tests, no midterms, no final… just a steady 12-16 hours of reading, writing and creating every week.

You Design the Schedule. Because there is limited contact class time, 4-6 hours per week, it means it will be UP TO YOU to design the schedule. Maybe you want to do all the work on Monday-Wednesday-Friday. Maybe you want to do it all on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe you want to do the work on Monday and Tuesday, finishing up on Friday. That’s totally up to you! I’ll ask you to fill out a Google Form with your preferred times so you can plan for the semester!

Now that you’ve had a chance to think about how the class works, I’d like you to tentatively plan out your 14-hour weekly schedule. You can change your mind at any time, but you need some kind of schedule in mind for Week 3. Here is the Google Form to fill out: Designing Your Schedule.
