Lecture Materials 02

Unit 02 – Mission 1

In Unit 2 we will complete our first mission. The “creativity” missions all describe or imply a product as an outcome of the module (an animated GIF or two for “Art of the Animated GIF”, for example), so your work should follow a path of your own design that will hopefully result in an appropriate product. However, you won’t be graded on whether or not you achieve that goal of making something. Instead, your objectives are to learn something new and to learn more about how you learn with digital tools and concepts by designing, understanding, and reflecting on your own processes. Doing this well is hard, and it starts by challenging yourself to move beyond your comfort zone. Feel free to fail!

Video Lecture

Activities for Unit 02 Week 4

Task 01 - Week 4 Overview

The overview will provide a brief introduction to the tasks for the week. Strongly suggest competing this tasks first each week!      

30 minutes

Task 02 - Commit

Review Missions – Read the available missions and commit to a mission that will challenge or that you interest in. This task explains how all that works.

60-90 minutes

Task 03 - Connect

Form a team of 3 like-minded colleagues, Declare your intent in the Slack channel, and discuss your basic plans and goals for the mission.

120 minutes

Task 04 - Create

Write a brief reflective blog post about your mission in relation to committing to your mission and an outline describing your plan for completing it.                                    

30-45 minutes

Task 05 - Twitter Tasks

Select from this weeks twitter tasks. These tasks will help connect with external experts in the domians involved in CDM and mission topics.   

30-45 minutes

Task 06 - Intro Live

Intro Live is a opportunity to interact in an activity with your peers. This will be aguided active learning session reflecting on the activities of the week providing opportunities for feedback.

60 minutes
