Welcome to Multimedia Development 1

This module will use game development as the tool for investigating multimedia development which includes animation, graphics, and coding.  The main goals for this semester are to READ aboutWRITE about, and ENJOY lots of Games.  The reading and the writing are intended to spark your imagination, and I hope very much you will enjoy reading articles about games, discussing game development and of course, creating your own game!

Image result for 3d game development

Figure: 3D game Environment

Below you will find all the information you need for the first week of class.

Overview. The required components of this course are the project activities and the week 2 activities. The Week 2 activities will get you ready for the semester to come. That is why ALL Week 2 (Orientation activities) are required. Starting in Week 3, you can make up missing assignments with extra credit, but in week 2, you need to complete all the Orientation assignments. As you make your way through the list, let me know about any questions you have! (irene.mcginn[at]tudublin[dot]ie)

Announcements. You will find additional information in the weekly Class Announcements on Teams, so please take a moment to look at the announcements now. You will also find the announcements in Moodle for this module.

Time. You will need about six or eight hours total to complete this week’s tasks, which is the amount of time you can expect to spend on this class each week. Time estimates are provided for each assignment, but you should get a sense from week to week of just how long each assignment takes. The main thing is to be alert to the activities that will take longer than others so that you can plan accordingly! You can use the Moodle Gradebook as an online checklist.

Deadlines and Working Ahead. As you can see, there are assignments due on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, along with some end-of-week assignments due on Friday and/or over the weekend. But don’t wait for the deadlines!

BOOKS. There are no required textbooks to buy for this class, though I am highly recommending Matt Smith and Shaun Fern’s Unity Cookbook 2021. This book will be available in the library. Another excellent resource is Game Design and Development 2021 – a textbook written by the class of Multimedia Development 2 2021- also held in the library catalogue. 

This IS the syllabus. You can consider the items listed on this site to be the syllabus, broken up into separate sections covering all the class procedures and guidelines. If you would like to look at a simple one-page overview in a more traditional syllabus format, you can do that here: course syllabus.  This syllabus was designed by Shaun Ferns and adapted for use by Irene McGinn.
