No Poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere


Demonstrate an understanding of the causes of poverty as evidenced by multiple viewpoints


Suggested TasksGiven Tasks (5pts)

  1. Discuss the role of women and girls’ education and empowerment and create a social media campaign to highlight [social media]
  2. Brainstorm using adobe connect/padlet causes of poverty solutions that have been suggested/implemented elsewhere in the world
  3. Create a list re. the causes and possible solutions of poverty that could be used to produce an infographic..
  4. Use gapminder ( to examine the rate of change of poverty globally during the last  50 years. Create a list of the factors that have contributed to decreases in poverty?
  5. Create a mindmap that displays poverty solutions that have been suggested/implemented elsewhere in the world
  6. Search for some existing solutions to poverty that are being implemented in another similar size city anywhere in the world. List three reasons why you think this solution would work in your city and three reasons it would not work. 

Goal Tasks (7.5pts)

  1. Create an infographic or diagrams or mind map to compare  the causes of poverty between developed countries and developing countries.
  2. Find and read an article on poverty in your city/local area. Summarize in no more than 150 words the important points being made in the article. 
  3. Interview a professional working in the poverty sector 
  4. Create a data visualization chart based on data connecting population growth and access to resources [data visualization] -choose your methodology to create the chart (Goal)
  5. Investigate socio-economic causes of poverty and demonstrate  (Goal or Own)
  6. Discuss the role of women and girls’ education and empowerment and create a social media campaign to highlight [social media]

Own Tasks (15pts)

  1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  2. socio-economic causes of poverty
  3. You have been brought aboard by your municipal council, because of your expertise to address the problem of homelessness in your city. What are you going to do?
  4. Search for some existing solutions to poverty that are being implemented in another similar size city anywhere in the world. 
  5. Investigate socio-economic causes of poverty and demonstrate  (Goal or Own)

Additional resources
