You can do these extra credit options any time during the week. 
Learn more about coding. Complete a video tutorial and learn more about some aspect of scripting. 3 points 10-20 min.
Blog Commenting and feedback Connect with new people and/or reconnect with people you have met already. 3 points 30 – 45 min.
Tech Tasks There are lots of Technology Tips to choose from. For example, you can experiment with your blog design! 3 points 15 – 30 min.
Growth Mindset/Feedback. If you liked what you learned about Growth Mindset last week, you can use this option to learn more, and you can also continue to explore the Feedback articles. 3 points 15 – 30 min.
Wikipedia TrailsYou could use this assignment to follow up on a project topic, looking for useful background information. 3 points 15 – 30 min.
Additional Tutorials. If you would like to do more tutorial tasks in addition to those set out for you this semester then you may do this. Please include some details of the task in you blog. 3 points 30 – 45 min.