No Poverty End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Goal: Demonstrate an understanding of the causes of poverty as evidenced by multiple viewpoints.

Content & learning objectives

Podcasting can be really effective in supporting teaching and learning. It is essentially about making and sharing audio-recordings and can be a very convenient way of exploring topics of interest and listening to them whilst on the move, or at home.

The technology to develop podcasts is now readily available and, in this introduction, we’ll explore how you can find, make, share, and use podcasts for teaching or learning.

Click on the image to follow through an interactive online lesson and, if you successfully complete it and an associated quiz, you can earn a digital badge.

Resources for learners, trainers, and developers

Are there badges available for this topic?

Yes. There is a basic knowledge badge, awarded to anyone who successfully completes the online lesson and quiz. We have also specified the criteria for a badge that is awarded upon demonstration of practical skills.


How can we run a workshop or classroom session on this topic?

This topic is perfect for hands-on workshop sessions in which participants can get the opportunity to record, edit, and publish their own sample podcast.

Are there resources and materials available?

Yes. There are lots of materials on the web, a number of which are listed opposite. These are a good starting point, particularly the case study examples listed. We will also shortly be posting up a suggested workshop activity list.

Can I download a copy of this interactive lesson?

Yes. We provide all the materials which we have developed (or adapted, subject to licence permissions) for use under a CC BY-NC 4.0 licence.  We will shortly be making downloadable SCORM versions available here.

Sample of interactive lesson Podcasting

Further information & useful links:

Educause’s “7 things you should know about….Podcasting” :

Educause’s  “7 things you should know about….RSS”:

Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching: General Resources on Podcasting:

Wikipedia entry:

Audacity – Open Source software for multi-track recording & editing:
