Class Progress

Your final grade is determined by your total points at the end of the semester.
Moodle Gradebook. In the Moodle Gradebook, you can see your total points, and it will always be “100%” because you get full credit for every assignment you complete.
Finishing before Week 12. You can finish early with an A in Week 10 or in Week 11 — or even earlier; just work ahead and/or do some extra credit assignments. When you get the points you need, you are done! You can let me know when you have finished the class by filling out this form: Course Completed google form.
Two Conditions with regards to this approach

      1. All project assignments must be completed!
      2. I reserve the right to change the grade if necessary, though I do not expect this to happen. A few reasons that we might need to are: Not making a serious effort with regards to your writing and Unity tutorials. Please only submit declarations for work that you have truly put effort into!

You can use this chart to track your progress week by week, and the more extra credit you can do to get out in front of these numbers, the better! Most people are busier at the end of the semester, so if you can bank some extra credit early, that will be a big help when life gets more hectic later on.

Expected Grade
end of Week 1 / beginning Week 2   30
end of Week 2 / beginning Week 3
end of Week 3 / beginning Week 4
end of Week 4 / beginning Week 5
end of Week 5 / beginning Week 6
end of Week 6 / beginning Week 7  180
end of Week 7 / beginning Week 8
end of Week 8 / beginning Week 9
end of Week 9 / beginning Week 10
end of Week 10 / beginning Week 11
end of Week 11 / beginning Week 12
end of Week 12 / beginning Week 13
+320 +290

